Trader Joe's Issues Voluntary Recall of Triple Ginger Brew

Trader Joe's of Monrovia, CA is issuing a voluntary recall of all codes purchased from 11/9/15 through 12/14/15 of Triple Ginger Brew (SKU 51857) due to reports of unopened bottles potentially bursting. Although the ginger brew does not pose a health risk if consumed, all product has been removed from store shelves and destroyed. No injuries or illnesses have been reported to date.

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State Without StigMA

FOR HELP: 1-800-327-5050 (tty: 1-800-439-2370)

It’s the state’s greatest public health threat – addiction to powerful opioid painkillers. This epidemic kills about four people each day in the Commonwealth.

But you can help. By changing the way you think about, talk about and treat people with addiction. 

The stigma of drug misuse keeps people from seeking treatment. Words like “junkie,” “addict” and “druggie” can hurt, damaging self-image and standing in the way of recovery. Addiction is not a choice. It’s a chronic disease similar to diabetes, heart disease and arthritis. 

Get the facts and embrace a community that needs our support. Join us as we make Massachusetts a #StateWithoutStigMA.

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