Recycling Sustainability Committee

Due to COVID-19 and the need to shift our staffing resources to address it, we have temporarily paused work on the curbside pick-up program. We do not have an updated start date at this time.

The Hudson Recycling Sustainability Committee (RSC) is a seven-member appointed adhoc committee that was created in March, 2019 for a period of 6 months.

Mission: The Committee shall examine the Save Money and Reduce Trash (SMART) options and weigh their viability in the Town of Hudson. They shall study the impacts both SMART curbside and SMART drop off may have on Hudson and its residents. The Committee shall formulate strategies and recommendations for mitigating the impacts of changing the current system. Committee members shall research and design an outreach program that will educate the citizens on the solid waste options available. They will incorporate suggestions and information from the community into their final recommendation. They will take into consider the following issues when making their final recommendation to the Board of Selectmen in September 2019:

- Convenience to the taxpayer/resident

  • Traffic and setup of current station

  • Education of taxpayer/resident

- Cost to taxpayer/resident

  • Increase in recycling efforts

  • Reduction of tonnage

- Environmental impacts

  • Enforcement of proper use of the transfer station

  • Prevention of illegal dumping

Current Recycling Sustainability Committee membership:

  • Steve Sharek - Chairman

  • Michael Delfino - Vice Chairman

  • Sean Frey- Member

  • Jacqueline Gillis- Member

  • Jillian Jagling- Member

  • Fred Lucy II- Member

  • Kathryn Nardozza- Member

Please connect with our office for contacting the RSC members.

Recycling Sustainability Committee Recommendations

curbside pickup (2).png

PowerPoint from the Public Forum held

on June 18th, 2019.

Click on the video below:

What you put in your bin matters!

Visit to learn more.

Recycle Smart.PNG