COVID-19 Update 12.30.22

Attached is the revised Hudson COVID-19 report for the past 6 weeks. Based on community feedback, we have begun including county Wastewater Data into our reports. This decision is partly due to the fact that many people are taking at-home COVID-19 tests, which do not get reported to the State or Town. Wastewater Data tells you how much COVID-19 virus is in wastewater. Virus gets into the wastewater when people "shed" the virus while using the bathroom.

Trends in wastewater data predict COVID-19 cases. For example, when the amount of virus in wastewater goes up, we typically see a rise in COVID-19 cases. We can therefore use wastewater data to assess how much COVID-19 virus is in the community, and what protective steps should be taken.

We continue to encourage residents to stay up-to-date with COVID-19 vaccines, including boosters.

See wastewater data at

See vaccination updates at

Hudson Health

The Hudson Health Department works to promote health and wellness of our residents through prevention and control of disease and injury. The department is guided by the Hudson Board of Health.